Cyclist live-streams trip across USA for Mental Health awareness

It’s suicide prevention month. Patrick Diederich is 1,264 miles into his trip cycling from NY to CA to promote mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Affixed to his chest and back is a sign reading “Fight Suicide Honk 4 Hope”. 410 people have honked so far. He’s live-streaming on Facebook, Twitch and Reddit, where his stream has made the front page numerous times and has had more than 500,000 people watch him live while he rides and discusses mental health awareness. He’s raised $3,649 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. 

Diederich, a 28 year old from the suburbs of New York City, was laid off in March from his manufacturing engineering job in San Francisco. Diederich thought he’d use his time off to fight for a cause that is near and dear to him. “Some of the most wonderful people in my life have been brought to the ground by this. I’m tired of feeling hopeless and unable to do anything about it. So I’m fighting. I’m fighting for my friends, I’m fighting for anyone affected by this. I’m trying to say there’s hope. I’m riding for hope. Sometimes even something and silly and simple as a honk from a stranger can keep us going” -PD. Diederich is a month into his solo journey. He still has 3,000 miles to go. He is mostly camping but occasionally a supporter will reach out  and lend a couch or spare room to sleep in. Follow his journey on Facebook, Instagram, and his website:


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