Metropolis Healthcare releases film to showcase and honour the efforts of phlebotomists for their services during the ongoing pandemic

Metropolis Healthcare releases film to showcase and honour the efforts of phlebotomists for their services during the ongoing pandemic

Metropolis Healthcare Ltd, a leading diagnostics company in India, has released a film titled “One more step” dedicated to all the hardworking and determined phlebotomists who risked stepping out in the pandemic to reach people so that health never took a backseat. Amidst the strictest lockdown in the world, Metropolis staff was met with ”lathi-charge” while they were simply trying to take care of the health of the citizens. Undeterred by the multiple challenges, the team worked round the clock to help alleviate patient fear and anxiety. Metropolis Healthcare Ltd has 15 COVID-approved labs across its network and is conducting thousands of tests every day for the citizens of the country to help patients. 

To honor the display of undeterred vigor and commitment of the team, Managing Director, Ms. Shah also rewarded the frontline team with an additional bonus, last month.  

“We were operating in a challenging environment, especially at the beginning of the pandemic when the nation-wide lockdown was announced. However, our labs operated around the clock meeting demand for tests, with staff working overtime. We have been able to endure the setbacks because of our dedicated employees who truly lived up to our brand purpose of being there for the patient in their most anxious times. This film is a small tribute to our healthcare workers and to bring their efforts to the forefront. We will always be grateful to them for their continued services.” Said Mr. Vijender Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Metropolis Healthcare Ltd.

Speaking on the film, Mr. Umesh Rai, Head, Digital Marketing, Metropolis Healthcare said “Phlebotomists and lab technicians have been invisible in this whole battle against the pandemic. We have seen that our entire team of phlebotomists felt a deep sense of purpose during this pandemic. The idea was to step in their shoes and tell the story in their own words. The actor in the video is our own and we are very proud of our team.”

The film has been conceptualized and directed by Story Filter and took about 2 months to shoot. It highlights the everyday risk that a phlebotomist faces, as they go from door to door, overcoming negativity on their way, battling away the fears and uncertainties of people. They are the healthcare workers committed to a safer and better tomorrow. 

Link to the film:


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