Apollo Hospitals, in collaboration with Healthium Medtech, launch advanced training at Apollo Simulation Centre, in the Vanagaram facility

   The Apollo Simulation Centre (ASC), Vanagaram has entered into an agreement with Healthium Medtech. Healthium Medtech is a global medtech company which offers advanced training in Laparoscopic surgeries to young medical professionals. The agreement program will be launched with the Laparoscopic Hernia Masterclass at Apollo Specialty Hospitals, Vanagaram.  

   Laparoscopy is an operation performed in the abdomen or pelvis using small incisions with the aid of a camera. Laparoscopic surgery is one of the significant media advancements that has enforced day surgeries for quick recovery. Laparoscopic surgeries are now a solution to various conditions such as cholecystectomy, appendectomy, advanced procedures for hernia repair and also gynecological procedures. It is mostly preferred as it helps in keeping minimal blood loss, less scarring, speedy recovery which may result in shorter stay in hospital.

       The Apollo Simulation Centre have now made it possible to learn and practice advanced surgical procedures using simulation without causing any harm to patients. Simulation in healthcare serves multiple purposes. It exposes individuals and teams to clinical challenges through the use of task trainers, mannequins, virtual reality, standardized patients, in-situ approaches, and other hybrid forms. Laparoscopic training simulators are tools that can be used in training scenarios focused on laparoscopic surgery, as they demonstrate virtually all major abdominal surgical procedures.

      The endo-laparoscopy simulators are well equipped with updated technology to help learners adapt hand-eye coordination and equipment dexterity. The advanced and basic procedures of laparoscopy can be learned and updated by using the high-tech instruments and by using feedback and analytics.


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